Hair Health &Transplant

DHI Method

DHI – Direct hair implantation – a method of direct seamless hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is carried out using the Choi Pen tool, with a diameter of 0.7 – 0.9 mm (the optimal diameter for minimal trauma to the transplantation area).

This method reduces the time spent by the transplants outside the body, which ensures a solid and healthy engraftment.

Fue Method

FUE Hair Transplantation is the procedure of extracting follicles from nape which is genetically resistant for hair loss, and placing them on front parts without hair. Hair follicles collected from nape will preserve their hair loss resistant genes in their new place. Hair transplantation with the same method can be applied for eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, moustache, and scar places.

Operation takes 2-10 hours depending on the size of procedure area. All operations are performed under local anesthesia, and you can leave for home in the same day right after the operation.


Ricing Your Body plasma

Plasmolifting is a new treatment being offered for hair restoration. It is a simple, non-surgical procedure where a patient’s own Plasmolifting from their blood is injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and provide fuller and healthier looking hair.

The procedure takes approximately 60 minutes and provides reliable results with a very quick recovery period. It is perfect for patients looking for a cheaper alternative to a full hair transplant but is also used to supplement a hair transplant procedure.

Hair Mesotherapy

Hair Mesotherapy

Hair Mesotherapy; It is a non-invasive medical treatment that can benefit a variety of hair loss conditions such as male pattern baldness or alopecia. Mesotherapy is a non-invasive technique based on superficial microinjections, just below the epidermis, into the target tissues.

​The solution injected can contain a wide range of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, nucleic acids and co-enzymes that can be tailored to each patient’s individual needs.

Woman Hair Transplantation

Woman Hair Transplantation

There are many options and possible combinations to treat female hair loss. During your consultation, we will review your relevant medical history to see if there is an underlying and possibly reversible cause for your hair loss.

Women rarely lose their hairline. Rather, they experience diffuse thinning on the top of the head. Many females seek a maintenance free approach to hair restoration. A transplant is an excellent maintenance free approach to improve density.

Beard Hair Transplant Surgery

Beard Hair Transplant Surgery

Hormonal factors influence the development of facial hair as well. Frequently, facial scarring, secondary to acne or trauma, result in patchy areas of hair loss.

Partial and full transplants are available, depending on the goal of the patient. A full beard can be created for patients who lack facial hair. Facial scarring can be hidden with hair transplants. The procedure is meticulously performed with great detail in creating a natural look.