Chin Filler

What is Chin Filler?
Chin Filler (Chin Filling), sometimes known as ‘Chin Enhancement’ or ‘Mentum Filler’ is the method of restoring proportion to the lower portion of the face using precisely placed Dermal Filler. With most patients in and out of treatment within half an hour, this method is loved for its ease, and immediate visible results.
Dermal Filler in the chin can be used to add weight to a weaker jawline or setback chin, as well as augment a particularly heavy one by taking emphasis away from any harsh lines. This is what makes this enhancement especially affective for sufferers of both underbites and overbites.
With simply some strategically placed filler, patients can experience fantastic results with none of the risks or complications of invasive surgery such as jaw correction or chin implants. For those that are erring on the side of caution, Chin Filling may even be used to test the waters before taking the surgical step!

What To Expect During A Chin Filler
The actual chin filler procedure takes only approximately 15 minutes or less. 1 or 2 injections are meticulously administered to targeted chin areas. There is normally no or little bleeding arising from the procedure. Pain is reduced to a minimum with use of a numbing agent administered together with the chin filler. Local anesthesia may be used to reduce pain as well.
The chin typically requires around 1cc of chin filler to achieve visible results. For more pronounced effects, 2-3cc of chin filler may be used to achieve the desired look.

Possible Side Effects From A Chin Filler
As with other injection treatments, you may experience some dull ache, swelling and light bruising near the areas where the filler has been administered. These usually resolve on their own in a couple of days.